Mouthguards prevents major dental injuries

Publicado em 06/04/2017

Mouthguards are an essential piece of kit for anyone who plays contact sports that may include Football, Basketball, martial arts, hockey, rugby and boxing amongst others. 


Imagine what it would be like if you suddenly lost one or two of your front teeth. Smiling, talking, eating—everything would suddenly be affected. Knowing how to prevent injuries to your mouth and face is especially important if you participate in organized sports or other recreational activities.

Mouthguards, also called mouth protectors, help cushion a blow to the face, minimizing the risk of broken teeth and injuries to your lips, tongue, face or jaw. They typically cover the upper teeth and are a great way to protect the soft tissues of your tongue, lips and cheek lining.

You may have heard of custom made mouthguards but perhaps you are asking yourself ‘what is the difference between that and a shop-bought one’?  Your questions answered….

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Sport custom Mouthguards

When Should You Wear a Mouthguard?

When it comes to protecting your mouth, a mouthguard is an essential piece of athletic gear that should be part of your standard equipment from an early age.

While collision and contact sports, such as boxing, are higher-risk sports for the mouth, any athlete may experience a dental injury in non-contact activities too, such as gymnastics and skating.

Protecting Your Braces

A properly fitted mouthguard may be especially important for people who wear braces or have fixed bridge work. A blow to the face could damage the brackets or other fixed orthodontic appliances. A mouthguard also provides a barrier between the braces and your cheek or lips, which will help you avoid injuries to your gums and cheeks. 

Although some mouthguards only cover the upper teeth, the orthodontist may suggest that you use a mouthguard on the lower teeth if you have braces on these teeth. 

If you have a retainer or other removable appliance, do not wear it during any contact sports.


Mouthguard Care and Replacement

Ask the dentist about when is the right time to replace your mouthguard, but replace it immediately if it shows sign of wear, is damaged or ill fitting. Teens and children may need to replace their mouthguards more often because their mouths are still growing and changing. 

Between games, it’s important to keep your mouthguard clean and dry. Here are some tips for making sure your mouthguard is always ready to go:

  • Rinse before and after each use or brush with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Regularly clean the mouthguard in cool, soapy water. Then, rinse it thoroughly.
  • During your regular dental checkups, bring your mouthguard for an evaluation. Your dentist may also be able to give it a thorough cleaning.
  • Store and transport the mouthguard in a sturdy container that has vents so it can dry and keep bacteria from growing.
  • Never leave the mouthguard in the sun or in hot water.
  • Check fit and for signs of wear and tear to see if it needs replacing.
  • Some mouthguards have fallen victim to family pets, who see them as chew toys. Store your mouthguard and case somewhere your pet cannot get to it.






Why bother with a custom mouth guard?


These are made by the dentist for you personally. They are individually created for fit and comfort.

The shop-bought mouthguard are one size fits all. If you had a broken arm and your went to the hospital to have it placed in a cast, you would most likely be astounded if the doctor presented you with a cast that someone else had worn prior to you and this would of course, lessen the chances of your broken bone setting back in the correct position. Instead, you are made a custom cast, created from an impression of your arm.

In the same way, custom mouthguards are made by taking impressions of your teeth, so that when impact strikes, the grooves are in the exact position to protect your teeth.

How is my mouth guard made?

Your dentist will make impressions of your teeth in order to get an exact model of your tooth structure. This cast will then be sent off to the dental laboratory where your mouth guard will be made up.


Other benefits of custom mouthguards vs over-the-counter

  • As they’re a perfect fit, they’re must more comfortable.
  • They do not cause you to gag.
  • Prevent laceration as they act as a shield between the tissues of your lips.
  • Opposite teeth do not risk intense contact with one another.
  • Reduce the chance of general tooth-related injuries.

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