Implants and hygiene proceadures

Publicado em 05/08/2016

Implants can be sanitized as your natural teeth with some extra interventions that will make all the difference!

brush your teeth

You shold brush your implantes in the same way you brush your natural teeth.

Along side, you should visit regularly your dentist. Brush your teeth twice a day, with a soft brush and a little portoin of toothpaste.

Us an interdental brush to clean ther lateral areas of your teeth, and dentalfloss to the localswere the toothbrush can't achieve. Clean every part of your mouth, including teeth, gum and tongue.
After brushing you can use an elixir.

If you have prosthesis, you should take out and clean the prhostesis out every night.

To facilitate the process of cleaning you can use one electric toothbrush or water irrigaters. Ask your dentist informations about this options and products.


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